Title | First Name | Last Name | Rating |
Babes in the Woods | John | Burroughs | 3 |
The Boy who Became a Robin | Henry | Schoolcraft | 3 |
The Busy Blue Jay | Olive | Miller | 3 |
The Dove who Spoke Truth | Abbie | Brown | 5 |
The Greedy Geese | Il Libro | D'oro | 3 |
The King of the Birds | Brothers | Grimm | 4 |
The Magpie's Nest | Joseph | Jacobs | 3 |
The Mother Murre | Dallas | Sharp | 5 |
The Old Woman who Became a Woodpecker | Phoebe | Cary | 3 |
The Pride of the Regiment | Harry | Kieffer | 4 |
The Quails | Annonymous | 5 | |
The Tongue-Cut Sparrow | A. B. | Mitford | 4 |